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Coffee Junction (U.K.) Limited respects the privacy and rights of all individuals interacting with our digital channels and any associated services. This privacy notice focuses on how your personal data is utilized, as well as the rights to access and correct said data. Employees and applicants are subject to a separate privacy notice.


Coffee Junction may collect personal data, either directly or through our network. This can include:

  • Demographic information such as your gender.
  • Registration and account details such as your password, username, or other identifier (if any) for any purchases or orders made by you. Including anywhere you purchase an Coffee Junction Loyalty Card or Gift Card.
  • Customer communication preferences, including personal data and advertising preferences related to communication.
  • Customer feedback, which may be collected through customer satisfaction surveys and market research studies.
  • Economic and financial data which relates to your finances, such as your bank account and payment card details. This information is collected for the sake of fraud prevention.
  • Computer and/or device information pertaining to the use of our website, including your IP address, login and traffic data, browser type, and operating system.
  • We collect audio and visual data such as images, video, and sound recordings. This also includes CCTV and any other recording systems at our locations.
  • Health data is also collected for a variety of safety reasons. Some of which include accident reports, claims, and any medical data relevant to said reports and claims.
  • We may also create personal data about you, such as details collected from complaints made via telephone.
  • Cookies that follow the guidelines of our Cookies Notice
  • We use aggregated data, which is derived from your personal data without revealing your identity. This is done for statistical reasons and is treated as personal data if needed to identify you in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Notice.


We obtain your personal data from the following sources:

• Directly from you in person, through our website, via telephone, or through digital devices. This could include personal data you provide, such as:
(a) place an order
(b) purchase an Coffee Junction Loyalty Card or Gift Card
(c) create an account
(d) subscribe to our publications
(e) request information on our products, marketing material, or services
(g) enter into a competition or promotion
(h) complete a survey or provide feedback

• Via automated technologies, such as CCTV, server logs, cookies, and other technologies that gather information about equipment and browser activities. This also includes data from websites that may use our cookies.
• From another source, such as:

(a) analytics providers
(b) our provider of customer feedback
(c) our provider of online bookings
(d) advertising networks
(e) search information providers
(f) providers of technical, payment and delivery services
(g) data brokers or aggregators
(h) app providers
(i) digital advertising partners and/or providers of social media platforms (such as Facebook, X, LinkedIn, Tik Tok and Instagram).
(j) a member or prospective member of the Coffee Junction network
(k) providers of background checks

• From publicly available sources, such as:
(a) Companies House
(b) the electoral roll
(c) HM Land Registry


We collect personal data for the following reasons:
(a) perform our contractual obligations to you, which include:
• processing any orders placed by you
• orders placed by us through our suppliers
• making or receiving payments, fees and charges
• collecting and recovering money owed
(b) managing our relationship with you, which includes:
• sending you important notices regarding changes to our terms and conditions, as well as policies such as our Privacy Notice
• to provide you with important real-time information about products or services you have ordered from us.
• providing information you have requested.
• to manage inquiries from our 'Contact Us' for, as well as:
• feedback requested via reviews, surveys, and market research.
c) administration of our Digital Channels
(d) administer our business and related activities
(e) provide personalized suggestions, recommendations, relevant advertisements, and measure advertising effectiveness.
(f) communicate with you about and administer participation in events, programs, and any other Coffee Junction promotion.
(g) for internal use, including data analytics, tracking usage trends, measuring campaigns, and improving our site, products, services, and customer experience.
(h) protect our business regarding the misuse of our site.
(i) use your personal data to comply with our own legal and industry obligations.
(j) enforce our terms of use, terms and agreements, and conditions of supply agreements with third parties.
(k) to detect and prevent fraud and other illegal activities (and to assist regulators, trade bodies and law enforcement agencies in relation to the same);
(l) for financial purposes, including restructuring, preparing for sale, or disposing of the business.
(m) use health-related personal data you disclose to manage illness, injury, emergencies, accidents, or any type of medical incident at our locations.
(n) investigate and defend any third-party claims or allegations.

We may disclose your personal data to: • Our group, companies, and affiliates may process data on our behalf to fulfil business practices outlined in the Privacy Notice. skip • Any third party where we are under a legal duty to do so or in order to enforce or protect any of Coffee Junction or customer rights, property or safety. • Third-party service providers for Coffee Junction, such as IT service providers and survey administrators. • We put measures in place to keep your personal data secure where personal data is processed on our behalf by third parties. • Providers of background checks • Our PR agency and customer feedback • Government regulators and authorities, such as HMRC and legal entities, who may request or report personal data breaches under applicable laws. • External professional advisers such as accountants, bankers, insurers, auditors and lawyers. • Law enforcement agencies, courts or another relevant party, to the extent necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal rights. • Third parties where necessary for the purposes of prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties. • Third parties interested in acquiring our assets or shares, merging, or receiving our business through dissolution, reorganization, or liquidation. • Third-party digital marketing partners or plugins on our site that you engage with. • These include the following recipients: • Provider of the Loyalty Scheme or Gift Card Scheme • Delivery providers Our privacy notice only pertains to our channels and services. You may encounter links to other sites, mobile websites, apps, and services provided by third parties, all of which are beyond our responsibility. Before submitting any kind of personal data, make sure to review our privacy policies


Where We May Need Consent
We may seek prior consent for specific purposes. Coffee Junction only uses consent for processing that is entirely voluntary and in no way an obligation.

You can withdraw consent for us to process your data at any time. Note that you must process this request by contacting us directly, and we may continue to process your data for other lawful purposes.

Automated Decision Making and Profiling

Coffee Junction may use profiling and/or automated decision-making to help personalise marketing communications via SMS, email, or other digital mediums, such as social media, based on your preferences and interests.

Other Legal Bases We May Rely On
When relying on a legal basis outside of your consent, a lawful basis for processing your data will include one or more of the following:

(a) processing necessary in order for us to comply with legal obligations (b) processing necessary for the performance of a contract you are involved in, including steps required prior to entering a contract c) processing necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims (d) processing necessary for the pursuit of legitimate business interests. Legitimate business interests include: • provision of goods and services • recovery of debt • provision of administration and/or IT services • security of our IT network • prevention of fraud • marketing of goods and services and promotion of our business • financing, restructuring, reorganising, selling, making ready for sale or disposal of all or any part of the business • studying how to develop and update our products and services • development of our business strategy • protecting our business and property

(e) processing necessary in order to protect the vital interests of an individual

Extra Conditions for Special Category Personal Data

When processing your sensitive/special category data, one of the following conditions will apply:

When processing your sensitive/special category data, one of the following conditions will apply: (a) you have given your explicit consent (b) it relates to personal data which are manifestly made public by you (c) it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims (d) it is necessary for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific or historical research purposes, or statistical purposes (e) it is necessary to protect an individual’s vital interests when the individual cannot give consent (f) it is necessary for reasons of substantial public interest (g) processing is necessary in relation to your or our rights in the field of employment and social security and social protection law.


We strive to maintain accurate personal data, but it is on the individual to update Coffee Junction about any changes. We do not verify the data you provide and cannot be held liable for any losses related to inaccurate or incomplete personal data. You can easily update your personal data by contacting us directly or through your online account.

Coffee Junction takes the security of your personal data seriously.
Our website utilizes SSL encryption to ensure the protection of your personal data during transmission. This guarantees a secure connection between your computer and our servers. You can find this indicated by a padlock symbol in your browser's search bar.

Our web servers operate behind a secure firewall and are housed within a secure environment to prevent any kind of physical or digital unauthorized access.
Keep in mind there is an inherent risk with any kind of transmitted data, regardless of the security measures we have in place. When choosing a password for your online account, the confidentiality of this password falls on the individual.


We may transfer your personal data outside of the U.K. and the European Economic Area, including New Zealand.

Such transfers will also guarantee that: (a) appropriate safeguards are in place (b) the transfer is to a country that offers adequate data protection or (c) one of the derogations for specific situations applies to the transfer, including explicit consent or necessary for the performance of a contract or exercise or defence of legal claims.


Coffee Junction offers updates on news and potential offers via physical mail, telephone, email, and other electronic communications.

You can change your marketing communications preferences or opt-out at any time by contacting us at https://coffeejunction.co.uk/contact.


Subject to applicable data protection laws, in addition to withdrawing consent (see paragraph 6), you may have rights to the processing of your personal information, including: • the right to request access to your personal data that we process or control • the right to request corrections to any inaccuracies in your personal data or to finalize incomplete personal information • the right to request, on legitimate grounds as specified in law: (a) erasure of your personal data that we process or control, or (b) restriction of processing of your personal data that we process or control; • the right to object, on legitimate grounds as specified in law, to the processing of your personal data • the right to receive your personal information in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. In addition to transmitting personal data to another controller, this is permitted by law. • the right to file complaints regarding the processing of your data. Visit https://ico.org.uk/concerns/ for more information. If you would like to exercise any of the rights set out above, please contact us using the provided contact details on our site.


We will store your personal data within a timeframe that's in accordance with the following criteria: (a) the ongoing business relationship that we have with you (b) the completion of the purpose for which the personal data was given (c) our legal obligations in relation to the personal data (d) the type and size of the data held and whether any of it is deemed to be special category personal data (e) our accounting requirements in relation to personal data. We review the length of time that we hold your personal data on an annual basis.


Our privacy notice is under regular review, and any updates will take place on our site. This privacy notice was last updated in May 2024.


This privacy notice only applies in circumstances where we are the controller of your personal data.

If you require further information regarding this privacy notice, please contact us at: [email protected]